Tana school

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Year 2024 Services Info Our studio has prepared a new rebranding for Tana, a company specializing in the sale and installation of school boards and furniture. As part of this rebranding, we designed a new logo that transitions from the original bold style to a more modern and minimalist one. One of the key elements of the new visual identity is the children's doodles, which were chosen as the branding element. This unique element aims to improve the [...]


Bohemia portfolio 01

Year 2023 Services Info For Bohemia, a company that imports Czech crystal to Iceland, we have embodied the essence of premiumism and craftsmanship in a new visual identity. Our design reveals the story behind each cut facet - from its historical roots in the heart of Europe to the icy shores of Iceland. A delicately balanced palette of dark blue with a hint of classic elegance draws attention to [...]

Dredge easily

dredge easily 1

Year 2023 Services Info Our studio was happy to take care of the visual style of our client Bagruj-snadno.cz. In addition to the logo, we carefully selected and matched the colours to make the overall visual impression both pleasing and believable. Fresh colours are the key to a light and modern impression. We designed the website to be simple to use and appealing to visitors, ensuring an optimal user experience. We are proud [...]

CM Funeral Service

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Year 2022 Services Info This was a great challenge! Before designing the website, we went through the first 30 funeral service pages on Google and found that creating a fresh website for the funeral industry was not going to be easy. Funeral services often use funeral colors, black and white photos, and multiple font combinations. Plus, they often suffer from non-responsiveness, making them hard to display on mobile devices. Funeral service websites look like something out of a horror [...]

Pavel Mrazek


Year 2022 Services Info We have successfully set up a new visual identity for financial advisor Pavel Mrázek. We created a simple logo that mirrors our client's professional and trustworthy approach. To complement this, we designed a minimalist website that makes browsing the content easy and intuitive. The business cards are then the perfect complement, standing out for their simplicity and elegant design. Overall, we focused on using thin lines and minimalistic [...]