Name spellings in Elementor form to e-mail after filling

Picture of Ondřej Koziorek
Ondřej Koziorek

If you want to correctly inflect the name of the person who fills out your form, right in the email that is automatically sent - it's easy.

First, register at https://www.sklonovani-jmen.czto have your own API key.

In the Elementor form, add a field for first or last name and the one to be inflected will be named by its ID "name".

Screenshot 2024 10 31 at 16.36.29

In my case, I needed the first name in the fifth case - use the code below for this. For other variations, follow Instructions on the web or contact ChatGPT who will be happy to help you 🙂

Snippet code

Add the following code to a new snippet in the plugin Code Snippets. Don't forget to overwrite your API key in the code.

					// Registering a shortcode for the fifth case without "Mrs./Mr."
function address_paty_pad_shortcode() {
    // Check if the name is available in the form
    if (!isset($_POST['form_fields']['name'])) {
        return ''; // If the name is not available, return empty text

    $name = sanitize_text_field($_POST['form_fields']['name']);
    $pad = "5"; // We use the fifth fall to address
    $klic_api = "XXXXXXXX"; // Your API key
    $jmeno_url = urlencode($jname); // We escaped the name for the URL

    // We call the API with a parameter to disable addressing according to the documentation
    $returned_value = file_get_contents("$klic_api&pad=$pad&jmeno=$jmeno_url&pouzit-osloveni=ne");

    // Check for API errors: if it returns a number, use universal addressing
    if (is_numeric($returned_value)) {
        switch ($returned_value) {
            case 1:
                return "Invalid API key";
            case 3:
                return "Exhausted API credit";
            case 4:
                return "Erroneous crash parameter";
            case 5:
                return "Missing name parameter value";
            case 6:
                return "Missing mandatory parameter";
            case 7:
                return "Invalid string in parameter nameo";
            case 8:
                return "Weighting"; // default addressing for legal entities
                return "Dear User"; // general addressing for unexpected errors

    // Returns the correct form of the name if no error was found
    return htmlspecialchars(1TP4Returned_value);
add_shortcode('address_paty_pad', 'address_paty_pad_shortcode');

Using a shortcode in an email

Now you can use the shortcode

[ address_paty_pad ]

(without spaces at brackets) in the email and will only return the first name in the correct case, for example:

					Hello, [ address_paty_pad ],

thank you for your message. We will contact you as soon as possible.